Many workers around the world are vulnerable to being exploited in the workplace. They are vulnerable for different reasons and in different ways. These Principles are applicable to any vulnerable workers, but they are aimed specifically at the case of migrant workers, who often face particular vulnerabilities in the workplace.
#5Grievance policies and mechanisms should be in place in every workplace.
#14Company grievance management systems should be developed in consultation with workers, where possible through dialogue with trade union representatives.
#20Governments should encourage businesses to have functioning grievance management systems that are effective, accessible and transparent.
#23Workers should be informed about their rights and options for raising a grievance and accessing remedy, communicated in a language they understand and in a medium they can access.
“These Principles will benefit the actors that adopt them and represent an important step towards ensuring the dignity and rights of all migrant workers. Kendra Rinas, Chief of Mission, IOM Malaysia
“ETI’s Access to Remedy Principles provide us with an effective framework to support migrant workers within our supply chain. Carly Bilsbrough, Head of CSR, The Very Group
“TFG Brands supports ETI’s Access to Remedy Principles, which strengthens our commitment to support migrant workers obtain meaningful access to remedy. Francesca Mangano, CSR and Sustainability Executive, TFG Brands.
“Not only should an effective grievance mechanism be in place, the system must be affordable, easy to access, transparent and accountable for migrant workers to receive the appropriate remedy." Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna, Director, Our Journey
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The Principles are not just a reiteration of workers’ rights. They are an explicit acknowledgement that recognising rights is not enough – businesses and other stakeholders must actively work to enable workers in their operations and supply chains to meaningfully access those rights. We hope the principles help in that work and we encourage all interested stakeholders to support them.