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本《原则》是广泛研究、讨论及征询(企业、非政府组织、工会和其他专家利益攸关方)意见的产物。下列资源提供更多信息,有助于理解和执行本《政策》。我们会在此添加日后更多可用的资源。若您想要推荐其他资源,请电邮至 eti@eti.org.uk 联系我们。

Access to remedy - practical guidance for companies

Grievance mechanisms & remedy in global supply chains

Principles and Guidelines for the Repayment of Migrant Worker Recruitment Fees and Related Costs 

Developed by Impactt, standards and guidance on the repayment of migrant worker-paid recruitment fees and costs. Link to site

Practical Recommendations for Implementation of Remedy Principles  

Recommendations for mechanisms and models for the practical implementation of the Access to Remedy Principles.

OHCHR | OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project III 

Enhancing effectiveness of non-State-based grievance mechanisms in cases of business-related human rights abuse. Link to site


移民是全球劳动力市场不可或缺的常规部分。然而,移民处于弱势,经常成为虐待的受害者。通过批准《流动工人获得补救原则》 (Access to Remedy Principles for Migrant Workers),贵组织表明其支持移民工人获得有意义补救的权利。
